Is therapy right for me?
Seeking out therapy and making a commitment to improve ones self is a personal choice. Everyone has various reasons for choosing therapy. Some people seek therapy because they find themselves feeling stuck in life, or in relationships. Others are struggling with feelings of depression or anxiety. The blues, communication issues, significant life changes, unresolved childhood issues, grief & loss, spiritual conflicts, stress, relationship discord, self-esteem, trauma and a desire to understand ones self better, are all reasons for individuals to want to participate in therapy. Whatever the situation or case may be, therapy will give you the tools, skills and guidance needed to discover a greater self-awareness and achieve personal success.
What can I expect from my therapy sessions?
Everyone’s therapy experience is different because each session is tailored toward specific issues and therapeutic goals. A typical therapy session is 50-minutes, in which you and your therapist will spend time discussing your primary concerns and life issues. It is most common to schedule weekly 50-minute sessions. However, at the request of the client or therapist, some session can be 75-minutes. Therapy can be long-term or short-term depending on your issues and goals. For those who are in extreme distress or crisis may need to meet more than once a week until the crisis passes. To get the most from your therapy experience, it is important to work on the skills and issues discussed in therapy sessions. From time to time, some additional work such as reading a book, trying out specific skills, tracking certain behaviors or keeping a record may be requested. It is important for you to be an active participant in and out of session for your therapy to be most effective.
Why don’t you take insurance?
Most people’s initial thought is that it’s better to use your insurance to pay for your therapy rather than Self-Pay or otherwise referred to as, Fee-For-Service or Out-Of-Pocket. Here are some reasons why many clients choose not to use their insurance.
When insurance companies pay for mental health, they require a mental health diagnosis in order to justify the “medical necessity” for your therapy. This also gives them control to dictate how many sessions of therapy you are allowed and rights to see your treatment goals and assessments. They also have the authority to stop paying for your sessions for various reasons and sometimes future insurance benefits may be denied based on your previous diagnosis.
Self-Pay clients have more privacy, flexibility and control over their therapy. Clients can chose their therapist based on a personal connection and personal needs. All treatment plans, goals and duration of therapy are decided between therapist and client. Without the third party involved, only you and your therapist have access to your mental health records. This allows you greater control over the privacy of your therapy.
Is therapy confidential?
Confidentiality is always respected, maintained and protected by law between the client and the therapist/s. However, the law requires a break in confidentiality when any of the following situations are evident:
Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse. The therapist is required by law to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person/s. The therapist must notify the police and inform the intended victim.
If a client intends to harm himself or herself. The therapist will make every effort to enlist the client’s cooperation in insuring their safety. If the client does not cooperate, further measures may be taken without their permission to ensure their safety.

Scharlemann Klapste, MA, LMFT
I specialize in treating relationships. Whether that relationship is with yourself, a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or others… Learn more about my work.
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If you are in CRISIS please call 911 or contact the Crisis Connection Hotline at (800) 273-8255